There are a number of tools that can help make your life a little bit easier… or maybe a lot easier. You probably don’t know that half of these google chrome extensions existed. They’re super helpful and you should at least give a few of them a try. 1. Stay Focusd If you are working […]
As we have established and now it is become widely known that social media management is, in fact, a full-time job. Social media management is an actual profession that people take seriously. The job entails managing content as well as producing it and essentially, becoming a voice for a brand. People, including employers, aren’t aware […]
Social media is a forum where people communicate, talk about news, and rant their opinions on their pages. Some people rant, some people don’t. Some people are more opinionated than others. Social media rants are usually just purged into a status update because the user is emotional at that moment about a certain subject. It […]
Perspective is everything. You need to know what to do with your social media strategy, but you also need to know what not to do as well. Think of this as your guide of what not to do regarding your social accounts. If you have the knowledge of what you shouldn’t do, then you have […]
Visuals are absolutely everything on social media. If anyone tells you different, they are lying. As you have grown into an adult, your love for the pictures in books have not changed. This is the same concept when people view social media pages. There is a reason why users scroll until something visually pops out […]
Even though social media is a big deal nowadays and every person and business has their social media accounts, some people still do not see the value in the reach social media will give your company. There are a lot of CEO’s that look at social media and ask, why bother? We have some very […]
Unless you are a youtube person, you may not know a few of these trends. Just like any social media, youtube has video trends that are often updated. They are informative, stupid, and visually entertaining. Depending on your interests, I’m sure there’s a youtube trend out there for you. 3. What’s In My Bag? This […]
Its no secret that you can access your social media analytics through just about every platform. Each social media is different, and each one of their analytics are different. Right now we’re just going to fill you in on twitter’s analytics. Tweet Activity For Starters Tweet activity is all about giving you basic information about […]
This is a very famous question, as it should be. Copyrights are a big deal, and you should understand whether you are social media managing or just starting out on your personal accounts, whether or not it is safe to post individual photos. You wouldn’t be the first player in this game to make a […]
In the world of web based marketing, there are tools out there that you may or may not know about. One of them being google trends. Google trends may be the missing link to your competitive marketing strategy. What Is It? Google trends is a tool that helps you compare and contrast the popularity of […]