David Geier, Sports Medicine out of Charleston SC, Speaking on Emergence of Social Media. 2 Years ago he spoke on why to get involved in social media and How to get involved last year. This year he is talkinng on how to get into smartly. These are our notes on the meeting. Many of our clients are in healthcare and he has a great outline for how to be involved in social media.
Many doctors actively do not want to get involved in social media. Many delegate to marketing consultant. A group that dabbles in social media but like many find out, it is unsustainalble. Some use it for just personal and others are all in, those will be the leaders in the next 10 years.
It is no longer social media, It is communication.
12 Steps
- See Social Media Benefits, not the risk (get information out there)
- Understand and follow the social media guidelines of your company
- Participate without creating content (content curation- aggregate and post others info)
- Start slowly and build (start with website)
- take your talks and academic research and repurpose for social media
- Communicate to help others and not promote yourself
- Look to role models, not medical organizations, for social media guidance
- Assume everything you post will be seen by everyone
- Decide what you want to share and what you dont (dont rant, especially when angry)
- Avoid patient-specific discussion
- Avoid giving medical advice
- Avoid lashing out to people with negative reviews
The meeting was well attended, hopefully, indicating the importance of marketing online.