Entangle Media is in Chicago today for the launch of a new site that we developed- Spineopedia.com. Spineopedia is a great example of a website that has deep content and resources for a targeted audience. This site tries to do just two things, but do them well.
The first goal of Spineopedia is to aggregate the top spine research and resource sites so that the user has one destination for targeted spine research news. Entangle media had to design an effective backend filter on the site so the news coming to Spineopedia would be not only relevant, but displayed in the correct categories. Once the data reached the site, the design challenge was how to display a lot of news in the cleanest way so that the viewer could find and navigate as efficiently as possible. It took several revisions before the display worked efficiently on all types of devices.
The second goal of Spineopedia is to go back and re review some of the most cited spine research studies with a modern perspective. The medical community is quick to point the importance of practicing “evidence based” medicine as a basis for which procedures and treatments that are given to patients. There has been some high profile instances recently of questioning some commonly held beliefs among the medical community by revisiting the original research: you need to drink 8 glasses of water a day, breakfast is the most important meal of the day, etc..
Entangle Media had to work with the Spineopedia team to create a backend platform to allow the reviewers a simple way break down the review process into several components and automate the scoring process with a unique algorithm that allows for a consistent ratings process. The result was a scoring system based from 0-20 and the results of the reviews from some of the most trusted studies were very surprising. The science channel might have it right with the slogan “Question Everything”.
Building a web platform like Spineopedia is a great example of using the internet to engage and open dialogue that can transform how business is done, or in this case, how medical treatments and research could improve.
As we often advise our clients, don’t worry about a lot of people coming to your website, focus on engaging the targeted people that do, even if a few.